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- A Biblical Study of The Catechism of the Catholic Church
- Week by Week Bible Conversations: The New Testament: Discussion Guide
- Week by Week Bible Conversations: The Old Testament
- Week by Week Bible Conversations: The Psalms and Proverbs
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Together for the Gospel - Part 2
Together for the Gospel - Part 1
In 2006 I went to a conference in Louisville called Together for the Gospel. It was an awesome collection of men speaking to church leaders with a unity of focus across denominational lines. As I prepare to go to the 2008 conference this week, I am reminded of the power and depth of teaching that occured. You can download the messages for free at the below links...
The Pastor’s Understanding of His Own Role (Mark Dever)
Preaching from the Old Testament (Ligon Duncan)
Preaching with the Culture in View (Albert Mohler)
The Center of Christian Preaching: Justification by Faith (R.C. Sproul)
Why Expositional Preaching Is Particularly Glorifying to God (John Piper)
Watch Your Life (C.J. Mahaney)
Forty Years of Gospel Ministry (John MacArthur)
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