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Hospital Day # 17 - 12/18/23 PM - Two More Weeks of Hospitalization To Go

Hospital Day # 17 - 12/18/23 PM - Two More Weeks of Hospitalization To Go

Brittney did really well today.  She ate well and was able to walk around the ICU 4 times.  She was awake much longer and impressed her therapists, nurses and doctors with her progress. We are so grateful for your continued prayers and encouragement.  Her headache pain was more manageable thankfully, but unfortunately she is now also struggling with severe leg cramps.  

Brittney’s situation has been described by her surgeon as “uncharted waters” since there is no conventional way to navigate. Her situation is tricky because she has to have blood thinner so that her 4 stents don’t clot up and cause her to stroke.  Simultaneously, her blood thinner cannot be the normal amount since she has already had a brain bleed stroke for unknown reasons.  So we will remain hospitalized for two more weeks in order to ensure adequate monitoring, testing, and adjustments to Brittney’s blood thinner medications.

Two more weeks. It is a lot to think about, but we trust the care team who is helping us.  We will take it all one day at a time and know that God will give us and our family the strength for each day. We covet your prayers as this is an especially hard season to be away from home.  Lord willing, we will 

Ways to Pray:

  • For Brittney to get an INDIVIDUAL ROOM for the next two weeks (most rooms are double occupancy outside the ICU and we will be “downgraded” out of the ICU tomorrow)…an individual room would be a huge blessing for much needed rest
  • For the next two weeks to fly by both for us and the girls
  • For continued protection from brain bleeds and blood clots
  • For relief from headache pain and leg cramps
  • For a great nursing team in our next destination within the hospital
  • For great physical, occupational, and speech therapy - for Brittney’s stroke recovery to progress rapidly with a full recovery ahead
  • For the long term health and protection of Brittney’s arteries throughout her body

Matthew 6:27,33-34 "And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?... But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." (ESV)

Here is a place where I’ve archived the posts from our 17 days of hospital stays so far. 

Brittney loves cards! Details here:

Hospital Day # 17 - 12/18/23 AM - JUST FOR FUN - “Daddy’s Got Bad Blood” vs Mommy's Song?????


Hospital Day # 17 - 12/18/23 AM - JUST FOR FUN - “Daddy’s Got Bad Blood” vs Mommy's Song?????

A year ago I gained 2 feet of blood clots (deep vein thrombosis or DVTs) in my left leg and had many pulmonary embolisms as well. Following my recovery, our daughters made a fun song (Lydia wrote the lyrics) that mirrored Taylor Swift’s “Bad Blood.” Our UL nurses loved the video so we thought we’d re-share :)

CONTEST: Just for fun, any ideas for the girls to write a humorous (or sweet) song for their mom’s health????

Winner gets a free hospital cafeteria lunch on me, yum!!!

All I could come up with was "Mommy's got a Bloody Brain" but that just didn't seem too catchy?

When the doctors ask Brittney, as part of their daily neurological checks, "Why are you here?", she is fond of saying (with a chuckle) "Because my brain is messed up" 

Proverbs 17:22 “A joyful heart is good medicine”

Hospital Day # 16 - 12/17/23 - The Vicious Pain Cycle + An Early Christmas Celebration


Hospital Day # 16 - 12/17/23 - The Vicious Pain Cycle + An Early Christmas Celebration

Brittney’s day was a bit different with me heading back to Hodgenville for church with the girls.  Her grandfather came up early to sit with her, followed by her parents, and finished with my return with our daughters in tow.  Although Brittney’s brain has stopped bleeding and the swelling isn’t increasing, most of the blood is still in her brain and some swelling remains.  The combination of blood and swelling makes hemorrhagic strokes called, “the worst headache of your life.”  

Brittney’s pain cycle looks like 1-2 hours of sleep (sometimes more) followed by 15-30 minutes of alertness (if she doesn’t wake up with a headache). Once that short “window” is over, the massive headache returns and a medicinal game is played to get the right type and amount of medication in her at the right time.  She often is curled in a ball of pain for at least 30 minutes with vain attempts to comfort her with a wet rag or back rub.  It is hard to watch your bride suffer in so much pain.  I’ve never seen her so miserable - both in degree and duration. It is heartbreaking.

When I went home today, I was able to clean up and go to church with our girls and Brittney’s parents.  It was so wonderful to be with our church family, but it was do difficult to not have Brittney with us.  Every church member must’ve hugged me and asked about Brittney.  The love of Christ flowing in and through them was overwhelming.  We couldn’t do this without them.  Our church has been encouraging me to be constantly by Brittney’s side on this long journey.  They told me to take the next month off of church work and just focus on my wife.  

On top of our church support, Brittney’s school, and our many friends and family have continued to care for us in so many ways.  Brittney and I are so grateful and blessed.  We couldn’t imagine going through this season without the loving support and prayers of our family and friends. Thank you!

After church the girls and I grabbed a delicious lunch before I caught up on a few things at home.  We then decided to do an “early Christmas” with Brittney.  Honestly I think the girls were just manipulating the situation to their advantage so they could score some early Christmas gifts.  Clever girls lol!!!

Brittney was so touched by all the sweet gifts we received.  We haven’t been able to read all of the Facebook comments or cards yet, but y’alls love is energizing her in her toughest season.  She loved the “early Christmas” with the girls and they gave her a mini spa treatment with a shower cap shampoo as well as a hand and foot moisturizing session.  Although most of her day was full of pain and rest, she finished her day with great joy, moments of no pain, and a good appetite too!  God is so good to us!

Ways to Pray:

  • No blood clots in her stents and no brain bleeds
  • For pain relief and brain healing
  • For tangible progress in gaining back the abilities that were lost (disconected) from the stroke
  • For an individual room whenever we step down from ICU (Tuesday?) - Brittney can’t tolerate much sound or light and a roommate would be very difficult for her recovery if our hospital stay is extended
  • For the doctors to have wisdom for the duration of our stay in order to protect Brittney’s life and health

Psalm 34:8 “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” (ESV)

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