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Hospital Day # 17 - 12/18/23 AM - JUST FOR FUN - “Daddy’s Got Bad Blood” vs Mommy's Song?????


Hospital Day # 17 - 12/18/23 AM - JUST FOR FUN - “Daddy’s Got Bad Blood” vs Mommy's Song?????

A year ago I gained 2 feet of blood clots (deep vein thrombosis or DVTs) in my left leg and had many pulmonary embolisms as well. Following my recovery, our daughters made a fun song (Lydia wrote the lyrics) that mirrored Taylor Swift’s “Bad Blood.” Our UL nurses loved the video so we thought we’d re-share :)

CONTEST: Just for fun, any ideas for the girls to write a humorous (or sweet) song for their mom’s health????

Winner gets a free hospital cafeteria lunch on me, yum!!!

All I could come up with was "Mommy's got a Bloody Brain" but that just didn't seem too catchy?

When the doctors ask Brittney, as part of their daily neurological checks, "Why are you here?", she is fond of saying (with a chuckle) "Because my brain is messed up" 

Proverbs 17:22 “A joyful heart is good medicine”

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