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Quote - Blaise Pascal
"Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love the truth, we cannot know it." Blaise Pascal
Living in a Romans 1 World
What kind of world do we live in? What kind of America do we have today? While some relish and reflect on the past glories of our nation, the present reality is enormously disturbing. It seems to me that American society is seeking to outdo Sodom and Gomorrah through the degree of creativity to which sin is practiced, encouraged, upheld, advertised, and promoted. Instead of sin being labeled as sin, our society is labeling righteousness, holiness, and virtuousness as "intolerant," "close minded," and "ignorant."
I just got done watching Chaz Bono (formerly known as Chastity Bono) being interviewed on Good Morning America. Throughout the interview, Chaz, extolled the "virtue" of her decision to try to make herself resemble a male and her journey into lesbianism and then transgender "therapy".
Do we call transgenders by their desired "gender identity" or by their God-created gender? As I write this post I wonder, could I be charged with defamation or hate speech for referring to Chaz as a "her" and "she" instead of how she desires to be addressed (and was addressed on national TV) as a "his" and "he"? The entire interview was a clear representation of depraved and fallen our world is.
Anyone read Romans 1 lately? Some excerpts...
Romans 1:21-22 "For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools "
- "I feel gender is more between the ears than between the legs." - Chaz Bono
- "I felt more male than female." - Chaz Bono
- "If you're happy, we're happy for you." - GMA anchor Chris Cuomo to Chaz Bono regarding her 'transgender identity'
- freedom to sin extravagantly and creatively
- freedom to worship the creation instead of the Creator
- freedom to exchange the truth of God for a lie
- freedom to be fools while claiming to be wise
- freedom to degrade our bodies
- freedom to approve and encourage wickedness
- freedom to earn the wrath of God
May our nation and all of its people repent of their sin and turn to Christ.
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