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Quote - William Townsend
Marriage Questions -
- What does the Bible say about marriage?
- Is it right for a Christian to date or marry a non-Christian?
- Does a wife have to submit to her husband?
- What is/isn't a Christian married couple allowed to do, sexually?
- How often should a married couple have sex?
- What does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage?
- What does the Bible say about engagement?
- Where should we, as Christians, stand on gay marriage?
- What does the Bible say about prenuptial agreements?
- What does it mean to be one flesh in a marriage?
- How can I restore my marriage?
- Is it wrong for a married couple to have sex just for pleasure?
- Does marriage hinder your relationship with God?
- Should a married person have a close friend of the opposite sex?
- What should a Christian do if he or she is married to an unbeliever?
- What should be the Christian view of romance?
- Making marriage last - what is the key?
- What does the Bible say about the concept of a common law marriage?
- What does it mean to leave and cleave?
- Does the Bible support the Catholic practice of a marriage annulment?
- What does the Bible say about sex before marriage / premarital sex?
Quote - D.L. Moody
Marriage Questions - Christianity Today
- What does a healthy, successful marriage look like?
- What does it really mean to "become one" with my spouse?
- How does God define my role as a wife?
- How can I prevent financial issues from becoming stumbling blocks in my marriage?
- I'm falling out of love with my spouse (and he with me), and I'm tempted to have an affair. What would be the harm?
- Why does the Bible talk about submission in marriage? What does God mean by it?
- How can my spouse and I grow spiritually as a couple?
- How can I lead my unbelieving spouse to Christ without offending him/her?
- My spouse doesn't share my passion for spiritual things. How can I deal with my frustration and sadness?
- What's essential for a healthy, rewarding sex life?
- What does God think about divorce?
- How can I learn to forgive my spouse even when there's no apology?
- My spouse is emotionally distant. How can I feel closer to him/her?
Merry Christmas!
Quote - Nate Saint
Quote - Robert Moffat
Parenting Questions -
Here are some more helpful answers to questions about parenting!
- Does a wife have to submit to her husband?
- What are to be our top priorities in our family life?
- What does the Bible say about adoption?
- What does the Bible say about infertility?
- What does the Bible say about Christian mothers?
- What does the Bible say about Christian fathers?
- Does God expect all of us to have children?
- What does the Bible say about in-vitro fertilization?
- What does the Bible say about disciplining children?
- How do I survive trying to raise a teenager?
- What are the roles of the husband and wife in a family?
- What do I do with a rebellious child?
- What does the Bible say about being a good parent?
- What does the Bible say about caring for our old parents?
- What does the Bible say about being or using a surrogate mother?
- How do we honor an abusive parent?
- How do you balance leave and cleave with honoring your parents?
- What should a Christian parents do if they have a prodigal son (or daughter)?
- How should a Christian view ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)?
- What does God have to say to single mothers?
Quote - Martin Luther
Parenting Questions - Christianity Today
- I long to have children. Will God ever fulfill this dream?
- Sometimes I get upset and angry with my kids. How can I maintain a loving attitude when I'm about to explode?
- How can I nurture my child's self worth?
- How can I effectively balance my roles as parent and wife?
- How can I raise a child to be kind and considerate of others?
- How can I know what's best for my elderly parents?
- How can I tell if I'm doing a good job as a mother?
- How can I encourage my child's faith to grow?
- How can I protect my kids from negative cultural influences?
- I grieve over my child's rebellion. What should I tell him or her?
- What advice, if any, should I give my twenty-something child?
- How can I best relate to my adult child?
- How can I deal with the challenges of being a single parent?
Evaluating Charities - Giving Wisely
- Is it legit and approved by the Better Business Bureau?
- How much money goes towards the actual end-goal and purpose of the charity?
- How much money goes towards administration?
- How much money goes towards fundraising? (you'd be surprised the number of charities that sink 15% or more into fundraising...i.e. your donations are paying the wages of the fundraisers)
- What is its evaluation by others? (some evaluations have extensive standards for giving 'ratings' of charities)
- If it is a "Christian" charity, is there a direct connection to the Gospel in the ministries they perform?
- Is there a more effective and efficient charity in the area in which I am choosing to give?
Some resources to use:
- Better Business Bureau (
- Charity Navigator (
- American Institute of Philanthropy (
- The website of the organization you are considering giving to
As you give it is important to consider:
- Your resources are ultimately God's and not your own. You are but a steward called to be a wise caretaker of what God has entrusted you with.
- The most important treasure you have been given to share is the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ...are you sharing and giving Him to others?
Proverbs 11:24-25 "One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. 25 A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
Matthew 10:7-8 "7As you go, preach this message: 'The kingdom of heaven is near.' 8Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give."
Ephesians 3:8 "8Although I am less than the least of all God's people, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ"
1 Timothy 6:17-19 "17As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. 18They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, 19thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life."
Quote - Martin Luther
Study Bibles - Got One?
Impatient for the Lord's Return?
Sheep without a Shepherd - Neglecting the Bountiful Harvest?
Psalm 71 - The Lord is my rock, my refuge, my deliverer
Quote - G.K. Chesterton
The Bridge Video & Isaiah 53
Quote - Martin Luther
Quote - Richard Baxter
Quote - Jonathan Edwards
Quote - R.C. Sproul
Quote - Charles Spurgeon
Quote - R.A. Torrey
Quote - Robert Murray McCheyne
Quote - C.S. Lewis
Eckhart Tolle - A New Earth
- "Tolle's teaching is the oldest blasphemy in the world. It is the same lie to which Satan wanted Eve to "awaken" in the Garden of Eden: "You will be like God" (Gen. 3:5). Sadly, just like Eve, many still fall for it."
- "Tolle's chief heresy about man is his teaching that each of us is god."
- "the "salvation" (p. 13) we need is not the forgiveness of sin, but enlightenment."
- " Tolle clearly admires Jesus, and quotes Him several times in A New Earth, but only as a great spiritual teacher. The events which are not only the most important in the life of Jesus, but also the most important in the entire Bible and indeed in the history of the world—namely the crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and second coming of Jesus Christ—Tolle completely ignores."
- "Like Rhonda Byrne in The Secret, Tolle is shrewd enough to scour the Scriptures and wrench a few verses from their contexts to give the false impression that the Bible supports his views. And yet, in the end he points his readers to themselves as the ultimate authority: "Yes, you are the Truth. If you look for it elsewhere, you will be deceived every time" (p. 71). "
- "In the final analysis, The Secret is nothing more than Name It-Claim It, Positive-Confession, Prosperity Theology (without God and the Bible), built on a foundation of New Age self-deification. In other words, the book is just another version of what some TV preachers have taught for decades, namely, if you will sustain the right thoughts, words, and feelings, you will receive whatever you want. But The Secret adds this important twist: your thoughts can bring anything into your life because you are god."
Quote - Charles Spurgeon
Christian and Student Legal Resources -
Alliance Defense Fund - "directly litigates some carefully chosen, strategic cases for a unique purpose: to train newly licensed attorneys in the fine art of litigating—and winning—legal matters protecting religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and traditional family values"
- "Knowing Your Rights: A Guide for Christian Students" (full version)
- "Student Rights" (shorter, summary version)
- The Ten Commandments
- "The Truth About Faith in the Workplace"
- Traditional Family
- Sanctity of Life
Christian Law Association: "to provide free legal assistance to Bible-believing churches and Christians who are experiencing legal difficulty in practicing their religious faith because of governmental regulation, intrusion, or prohibition of one form or another"
The Rutherford Institute:" a civil liberties organization that provides free legal services to people whose constitutional and human rights have been threatened or violated"
Christian Legal Society: "to inspire, encourage, and equip Christian lawyers and law students, both individually and in community, to proclaim, love and serve Jesus Christ through the study and practice of law, the provision of legal assistance to the poor and needy, and the defense of religious freedom and the sanctity of human life"
American Center for Law & Justice: "committed to ensuring the ongoing viability of freedom and liberty in the United States and around the world"
Quote - Thomas Watson
Quote - Charles Spurgeon
Quote - Hudson Taylor
Meditation - Eastern vs. Biblical
- "The biblical concept of meditation is not without reference to thought and content. To the contrary, it is about thinking that is directed by the Word of God -- scripturally saturated thought."
- "The Eastern concept of emptying the mind is just not anything close to the biblical vision of filling the mind with the Word of God."
- Referring to an article that quotes Donald Whitney, Professor of Biblical Spirituality at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary: "Referring to meditation's long association with Hinduism, Buddhism and other Eastern religions, Whitney says, 'Some of the yoga stuff, where you're given a mantra, that is rooted in false religions.' He sees no problem with stretching, but once you start chanting, you're treading on treacherous ground, he says."
- "We live in a world so shaped by therapeutic concerns that most people never stop to wonder if God is dealing with them in their stress, their distress, their haunting thoughts, their cluttered minds. An attempt to empty the mind might well be an effort to listen to the self when we should seek to hear from God."
Quote - Polycarp
Quote - John Donne
Quote - Catherine Booth
Quote - John Wesley
Downfalls of the Self Esteem Movement
- "more likely to claim they are "A" students with high IQs -- even though other research shows that today's students do less homework than their counterparts did in the 1970s."
- "confidence has crossed over into overconfidence"
- "decades of relentless, uncritical boosterism by parents and school systems may be producing a generation of kids with expectations that are out of sync with the challenges of the real world"
- "compared to their counterparts from the '70s, today's youth also tended to rate themselves as more intelligent and were more likely to say they were "completely satisfied" with themselves"
- "setting goals for yourself is a good thing. It's just when those goals are wildly unrealistic, then that can cause trouble for everyone"
- "'These kids didn't raise themselves, they got these ideas from somewhere,' Twenge said. With Mom and Dadhanding out endless praise, kids today readily believe they are somehow superior, she said. And teachers aren't blameless, either: According to Twenge, research shows that high school teachers now give out an "A" grade more easily than their counterparts did in the 1970s, even though today's high school students report doing less homework than students from that era."
Quotes - Charles Spurgeon
“Do not expect to get, in the first year of your pastorate, that result which is the reward of twenty years of continuous toil in one place” Charles Spurgeon - The Soul Winner (96)
"the less you think of yourself, the more people will think of you” Charles Spurgeon - The Soul Winner (58)
Christmas Gift Ideas for Teens - Christian Magazine
Quote - Charles Spurgeon
“Tell the sinner all the doctrines. If you hold to Calvinistic doctrine, as I hope you do, do not stutter about it, nor stammer over it, but speak it out. Depend on it, many revivals have been evanescent because a full-orbed gospel was not proclaimed. Give the people every truth, every truth baptized in holy fire, and each truth will have its own useful effect on the mind.” Charles Spurgeon - The Soul Winner (211)
Quote - Charles Spurgeon
“A tract is a useful thing, but a living word is better. Your eye, and face, and voice will all help. Do not be so cowardly as to give a piece of paper where your own speech would be so much better.” Charlese Spurgeon - The Soul Winner (193)
Quote - Charles Spurgeon
“Young men and old men, and sisters of all ages, if you love the Lord, get a passion for souls. Do you not see them? They are going down to hell by thousands; as often as the hand upon the dial completes its circuit, hell devours multitudes, some of them ignorant of Christ and others willfully rejecting Him.” Charles Spurgeon - The Soul Winner (176)
Quote - Charles Spurgeon
“How can you serve the Lord with your lips if you do not serve Him with your lives?” Charles Spurgeon - The Soul Winner (160)
Quote - Charles Spurgeon
Quote - Charles Spurgeon
Halloween Questions
Quotes - Charles Spurgeon
Quote - D.L. Moody
Insights on the Crystal Cathedral and the "Hour of Power"
That's why we so desperately need the real Gospel -- the Gospel of Christ. This is also why we need the church. Possibility thinking obviously has its limits." - Dr. Albert Mohler
Voter Guides
- For Kentucky - this is pretty detailed on candidates at the state races for Kentucky
ESV Study Bible
“From the Patristic period (Arius, c. A.D. 256-336) until the present day (Jehovah’s Witnesses), some have claimed that “the Word was God” merely identifies Jesus as a god rather than identifying Jesus as God, because the Greek word for God, theos, is not preceded by a definite article. However, in Greek grammar, Colwell’s Rule indicates that the translation “a god” is not required, for lack of an article does not necessarily indicate indefiniteness (“a god”) but rather specifies that a given term (“God”) is the predicate nominative of a definite subject (“the Word”)…” from sample online
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