- Attendance Idolatry – Does your joy change when your attendance/giving changes?
- Gift Idolatry – Do you feel God uses you because you are so skilled?
- Truth Idolatry – Do you consider yourself more righteous than the ‘simple Christian’ because of your knowledge/experience?
- Fruit Idolatry – Do you point to your successes as God’s approval of you?
- Tradition Idolatry – Are you more committed more to traditions than for Christ?
- Method Idolatry – Do you worship your method as your mediator?
- Officer Idolatry – Are you motivated by your title?
- Success Idolatry – Do you desire to ‘win’?
- Ministry Idolatry – Do you walk with God only to help your ministry?
- Innovative Idolatry – Does it matter that your ministry be considered unique or creative?
- Leader Idolatry – Who other than Christ are you imaging? “First requirement of the Gospel is repentance. Anyone who doesn’t repent is a heretic.” J.I. Packer
The below video of Dricoll's message can also be viewed HERE
Romans 1:25 "they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator"