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Quote - David Lowes Watson

“North American congregations urgently need an inversion of their religious self-preoccupation and ecclesial self-indulgence… we find ourselves spending more time talking about evangelism than doing it – a sure sign of self-preoccupation” - David Lowes Watson

Quote - Martin Luther

"This is the mystery of the riches of divine grace for sinners, for by a wonderful exchange our sins are now not ours but Christ's, and Christ's righteousness is not Christ's, but ours."  Martin Luther

International Missions Funding - Southern Baptists

Southern Baptists voluntarily contribute money from their churches through the Cooperative Program in order to fund missions across their state, nation, and world.  Oftentimes the majority of the money remains within their state convention with the remainder being sent forward to various SBC entities.  Thankfully many state conventions are currently voting to send more funds forward towards the SBC for national and international missions fundting.

The International Missions Board shares a resource HERE that allows you to see how much CP funds your state retains and how the SBC entities split the remainder. 

How much does it cost to support a missionary?

• $43,845.86 a year
• $3,653.82 a month
• $843.19 a week
• $120.13 a day
• $5.01 an hour
• $.08 a minute

Reported April 2010. Support includes housing, food, children’s education, medical expenses, retirement and more.

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