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Quote - William Booth

"God loves with a great love the man whose heart is bursting with a passion for the impossible." William Booth

Studying Millenials - Priorities of Life

Lifeway Research just summarized a study of Millenials (those born between 1980 & 1991: currently 19 to 30 years old) that shows what is most important in their lives. The findings... (permitted to list more than one priority)
  • 61% place family at the top of their priority lists
  • 25 % Friends
  • 17% Education
  • 16% Careers/jobs
  • 13% Spouses/partners
  • 13% Spirituality/religion
  • 12% Finances
  • 12% Happiness
  • 11% Raising kids
  • 10% Health
  • 9% Activities
  • 9% Well-being
  • 5% The future
  • 5% Nature/pets
  • 4% Use of time

Some concerning aspects of this study:

  • "two-thirds of those who indicate they trust Christ as Savior mention nothing about faith, religion or spirituality when asked to name what’s really important in their lives"
  • “For many Millennials, Christianity is a family heirloom rather than a faith commitment. The Christian faith in America is being passed to a generation that is slow to embrace a relationship with Jesus Christ and even slower to treasure it.” - Thom Rainer

Family, friends, education, jobs, health, marriage, children, etc. are all good things to value. Unfortunately, when those areas of our life take priority over Jesus, they become god-things: idols.

Exodus 20:3 "You shall have no other gods before me."

May we be a generation that treasures Christ above all else.

Weekly Video Idea - To Be or Not To Be

Got an idea today while talking to some Ministers of Education/Discipleship Pastors from across Kentucky about how we train and encourage our teachers and leaders. Since we can't meet weekly together, I thought maybe I could send out a short (1-2 minute) video via email and my blog. In these videos I'd share some short Scripture, ideas, resources, and encouragement as you prepare for your Sunday lesson. Please let me know if this is something you'd actually use and appreciate!

Bible Fellowship ( Sunday School ) Teacher Tips - Intro from Jonathan Carl on Vimeo.

"remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins" James 5:20

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